Virginia Tech Sept 26-27: Affirming PhD Career Diversity Fosters Equity and Inclusion in Academe

I am grateful to dean Shaila Mehra in the College of Liberal Arts and the Grad School at V-Tech for inviting me to lead programs to illuminate the profound links between PhD career versatility and wider efforts to foster equity and inclusion. The consensus from Higher Ed Careers Beyond the Professoriate (linked here) is clear: when we promote one-size-fits-all professional development in academe, we fail to see the existing diversity of vocational aspirations and fail to own the math: only a quarter of the faculty nationally is in the shrunken tenure system and only a quarter of entering doctoral cohorts will land a faculty role. Let’s talk about supporting diverse people on diverse pathways, since defining success broadly brings positive returns to both individuals and institutions. Learn more about all five programs at this link: curated for graduate/department administrators, DEI practitioners, graduate students (all), those from historically marginalized groups, and women of color faculty. As HECBP contributor Alyssa Canelli wrote in her marvelous essay “Contingencies and Possibilities,” ignorance and shame fester in the silent dark: let’s throw open the windows and let in air and light to see myriad pathways! If you have connections at V-Tech, make sure they know these fruitful gatherings are coming up!